

The Broughton Archipelago - one of our last 'home' adventures.

Travel Map - 2015...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Good Luck, What Bad Luck

I remember a story book I had as a child by the above title. It basically ran through the turn of events of a guy that gets to go on an airplane (good luck), the airplane is going to crash (bad luck), luckily there is a parachute (good), hole in the chute (bad), falling toward a hay stack (good), pitch fork in the hay... anyway, you get the idea.

Well today was the bad luck portion of the trip so far (luckily we have not had it alternating like in my childhood story book). We had left this morning from Talknafjordur on our way to a 3 hour ferry that would take us to Snaefellsnes. "Good Luck" all the way up to and on the ferry - easy peasy... until. Until just as we drove onto the ferry and I was gathering my belongings did I remember my coat. Or should I say remember the coat I forgot ... hanging on the hook in the cookhouse (bad luck), an hour away (bad luck), with my wallet in the pocket (bad luck), and my credit cards in my wallet (bad luck) and cars already loaded in tight behind me (bad).

So luckily the Icelanders operating the vessel know English and I quickly explained the pickle I was in. They found the drivers of the cars behind us and moved those cars out of the way so I could drive off, Karen shoved a credit card at me in case mine were gone while she grabbed a few things she thought she and the kids might need. We loosely arranged plans to meet at the destination about 10 hours later (there is another ferry at 7:00 pm) while the boat pulled away.

A speedy trip back to the campsite and my jacket was right where I left it. After considering myself lucky I am now realizing that bone headed gaps may not be considered bad luck, but my jacket being exactly as I left it likely is considered good luck. So I guess the good luck continues!!

Karen and the kids should be at the destination as I write this and I have been for a run, hotspring bath, and composing this blog entry on some remaining time of internet (from our campsite from last night). As my mother always says, "If this is the worse thing to happen to you, then you are lucky." I guess I am - no pitch fork.

Fire, Ice, Waterfalls, Puffins and ... Moby Dick?

Amidst the adventure of traveling there is always the quirkiness that is mixed in and Iceland is no exception. We popped into a remote farm restaurant on our way back from the bird viewing cliffs on the far western fjord. We were cold and wind weary and looking forward to something hot but more importantly something Icelandic. Alas, the only things on the menu were sandwiches or burgers and "France" fries. Even in the campgrounds we have been staying where it has been mostly Icelanders there is the unmistakable smell of weiners and burgers around dinner time. Am I the only one who likes pickled herring here? Well, at least I can find that.

Speaking of quirky, hope this doesn't get a rise out of too many of you, but here is a museum we passed in Husavik - the whale watching capital of Europe. No - I wasn't to keen on going in, Karen seemed uninterested, Mattias laughed and Mima ran in the other direction.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

9th Day In Iceland

Hello peoplezzzz, I'm back!  9th day in Iceland and we've had a great time. Four days ago we went on a whale watching tour and saw about a dozen dolphins and a Minke Whale - Mr Minke.  This afternoon we went to the cliffs on the far west coast of Iceland and I came about 6 inches away from a puffin ( puffy).  The puffins are SO COLOURFUL!!!!!!!

On the second day we say a geysir, that is a thingy that shoots burning hot water out of the ground. The water went about 40 meters high.

Bad news for the monkey club, no trees around here. The ones that there are, are too flimsy to climb.  Bye,

Whales and Birds - Iceland

A few days ago, we went whale watching.  We saw about half a dozen dolphins, we saw a gazillion jellyfish, but most of all we saw a Minke Whale. We got really close up!!!!

Yesterday I went seal watching - it was cool. I counted over 45 seals!!!

Today we went bird watching. We got some really close up pics of puffins and seagulls and this type of bird that I have no idea what it is. I called it a thingymabobber.  The puffins were very cute and fat.  We say a little baby seagull and its mama.  It was a fun day!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Iceland-half way

Iceland is a land of wonders. From stunning waterfalls, even though we all don't want to see another one for a while, whales and dolphins, moonscapes, gorges, hot springs that you cannot plunge into- they are not hottubs- lava fields, massive cliffs with holes and arches, cliffs, puffins and on goes the list! The kids are fairing well and fit well into the life of being on the road. The occasional horse slober on Mima or races to the top of a volcano crater for Mattias has kept things in check. Already it is nice to be able to spend time away from regular life with the family. Once we are in a place with faster wifi, then we'll upload photos for all to see! Bye from the natural pools at Myvatn lake!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Bay and in Salmon Arm.

Yesterday we were in Salmon Arm. We were going to go to the bay in Shuswap Lake. But the lake was way too wavy and it would take too long. This pic is so cooooooool!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


In 13 days we will be in Iceland. When we are in Iceland I will be looking forward to seeing an erupting volcano. In about one year and 10 days we will be on the Cook Islands. That is the last place we will be!  I can't wait until we go to Africa. I am excited about Africa because I want to see all of the cool animals that you can't see in the wild anywhere else in the world.