

The Broughton Archipelago - one of our last 'home' adventures.

Travel Map - 2015...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

It has been a while!

Well this year is screaming by and without many updates to the blog!  There is so much to do and see and at the same time we are spending a lot of time on logistics that we didn't five years ago. With Mima in France and connecting with her daily and now traveling with our good buddies the Cosbeys, we are finding it hard to find time to write.

Travel in Nicaragua was incredible.  Definitely on the developing country list, but pretty easy to figure out. We lived with a wonderful homestay family in the sleepy fishing village of Gigante Bay while taking three weeks of Spanish classes and surfing ( well Bernie and Mattias surfed....). It was really nice to slow the pace and really get to know what daily life in Nicaragua is like.  We made some wonderful friends and had a chance to use our brains to learn something new. Though our Spanish isn't anywhere close to perfect, it certainly helped us to  manoeuvre our way through the rest of our time in Nicaragua.  From Gigante Bay we had a day in Granada checking out the colonial city and moved on to Little Corn Island on the Caribbean Sea.  Getting there is an event, but once on the island life slows right down.  We all took our diving certification and had some incredible dives.

We finished our time in Nicaragua in the old capital of Leon and were lucky to be there during a huge festival.  Lots of people, noise, events, and chaos made the few days exciting.  We decided the festival was a strange mix of Hallowe'en meets Christmas. It rounded out our Nicaraguan adventure nicely.

The people in Nicaragua were so kind and friendly.  This is a country I am really glad we spent six weeks in  and am glad we didn't try to visit other central American counties in the time as it would have significantly impacted our ability to see how much diversity Nicaragua has to offer.

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