Too bad that Real Madrid are in the south of Spain, while we are close enough to go to a game! Serious disappointment for Mattias, but.... hard to complain after three nights in a Hotel and one in a bungalow while we got in a great visit with Auntie Chris and Uncle Hans 'banana'. The Good times with them were fun while learning more about the pilgrimages, St James, and the significance of the scallop shell to Santiago de Compostela, visiting Nat'l parks in northern Portugal while the forest fires are burning, but it is raining hard out.... Getting to see an amazing archaeological site that is partially 3000 years old... And the best part, drinking port wine at the Sandman Port Wine Lodge in Porto.
Then we got in a great beach day with Paddy and Tiago in some wicked waves. Apparently the first day in awhile with sun and a green flag for swimming. Paddy treated us to a Portuguese feast of squid and sardines and then a surprise visit the next day for yet another feast out. I am not sure if he is trying to out do the French cuisine, but if he is...well, it was really good and so was the French food - but far too different to compare.
Awesome blogging. Your photographs are amazing. I assume Bernie is taking the shots,very artistic. Bernie when you head back to school next year and have a nervous breakdown and then go on stress leave for a year, maybe after that you can become a travel journalist!!