

The Broughton Archipelago - one of our last 'home' adventures.

Travel Map - 2015...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We went to a small town called Pamukkale. There is also a site named Pamukkale. The site has little cup things that hold water. They do not hold water all year long. We got lucky in that it rained so that they would be filled with geothermal water.

We also went to an ancient pool in Pamukkale. The ancient pool was more geothermal than the cup-thing-a-ma-bobbers. We swam in the ancient pool. In the ancient pool we would play on daddy's back and daddy would smash his shins on the ancient pillars and the ancient rocks. The ancient pillars and the ancient rocks came from the Roman empire. The Romans built a beautiful pool for the emperor and the ancient rocks and the pillars are from that pool.

All the water at the site was geothermal (geothermal means heated by the earth). Most of the geothermal was warm, but some of it was bit cool. The geothermal reminded me of Iceland.



1 comment:

  1. Emilia,

    I love the geology photos and write ups! Keep up the great fashion shoots too. Say hi to mom and dad,
